Miroljub Filipović FILIMIR istaknuti likovni umetnik, član Udruženja likovnih umetnika Srbije, aktivan je stvaralac decenijama prisutan na domaćoj i stranoj umetničkoj sceni.
Od 1968. godine priredio je 60 samostalnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Organizovao je brojne hepeninge, performanse i umetničke projekte. Učestvovao je u više od 700 kolektivnih izložbi. Filimir je učestvovao na BIJENALU U VENECIJI 2003, BIJENALU U LONDONU 2004, BIJENALU U PEKINGU 2005, PRVOM BIJENALU MINIJATURE U VENECUELI 2008, TREĆEM BIJENALU U PEKINGU 2008, BIJENALU PLAKATA U MEKSIKU 2013… Autor je poznatog međunarodnog umetničkog projekta „Umetnici sveta protiv izolacije čoveka i naroda“ koji je započeo u Parizu 1993. U ovom projektu je do sada učestvovalo više od 8000 umetnika sa svih kontinenata.
Više puta je nagrađivan za svoje umetničko stvaralaštvo.
Za brojne aktivnosti na širenju kulturnih veza između naše zemlje i latinoameričkih naroda, Republika Kuba ga je 1996. godine odlikovala Medaljom prijateljstva.
O njegovom radu snimljena su dva filma: IKONARTI, reditelj prof. Vladimir Perović (2000); KRIK BOJE, reditelj Vesko Butrić (2002).
Filimir je član Društva srpskih slikara „Lada“.
Osnivač je multimedijalne umetničke grupe „Kvart“.
Na Prolećnoj izložbi ULUS 2012. nagrađen je Zlatnom paletom za slikarstvo (slika Zigen Zagen).
Predsednik je organizacionog odbora Trijenala proširenih umetničkih medija Beograd 2010 i koordinator Trijenala Mixed Media Trstenik 2013.
Miroljub Filipović Filimir is an acclaimed visual artist, member of the Association of Fine Artists of Serbia, an active artist who has been present for decades on the domestic and foreign art scene.
Since 1968, he has had 60 solo shows in the country and abroad.
He has organized numerous happenings, performances and artistic projects. He has taken part in more than 700 group shows. Filimir took part in the Venice International Biennale (2003), London Art Biennale (2004), Beijing International Art Biennale (2005), First Biennale of Miniature Art in Venezuela (2008), Third Beijing International Art Biennale (2008), International Poster Biennial in Mexico (2013)…
He launched a well-known international art project Artists of the World Against Isolation of Man and Peoples in Paris in 1993. More than 8000 artists took part in this project from all the continents.
He has received several awards for his artwork.
He was presented the Medal of Friendship by the Republic of Cuba in 1996 for his many activities in enhancing the cultural ties between our country and Latin American peoples.
Two films have been made about his work: Ikonarti, directed by Prof. Vladimir Perović (2000) and Krik boje (Scream of Colour), directed by Vesko Butrić (2002).
Filimir is a member of the Society of Serbian Artists Lada.
He is the founder of the multimedia art group Kvart.
He was awarded the Golden Palette for Painting (painting: Zigen Zagen) at the ULUS Spring Exhibition 2012.
He is the president of the organizational committee of the Triennial of Extended Artistic Media, Belgrade 2010 and coordinator of the Triennial of Mixed Media Trstenik 2013.